“Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how, you begin to die a little. The artist never entirely knows. We guess. We may be wrong, but we take leap after leap in the dark.” - Agnes de Mille
Creativity Quotation #36
“Creative thoughts evolve in this gap filled with tension—holding onto what is known and accepted while tending toward a still ill-defined truth that is barely glimpsed on the other side of the chasm.” - Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, Creativity: The Psychology of Discovery and Invention
Creativity Quotation #35
“Questioning what’s gone unquestioned gets the brain humming.” - Twyla Tharp, The Creative Habit
Creativity Quotation #34
"Which is the right way? Indifference, perhaps. That's not possible; since we are here, we can't help participating; we can't be detached from the manifest world, since we are immersed in it. We cannot reject the world. Then let's take everything seriously; that's equally ridiculous. Or can I be like a tree: but I'm not a tree. Or can I follow the drift of history, in the direction of cosmic evolution? But nobody knows quite what that means. I don't know the basic elements of the game. One ought at least to feel at ease; I cannot, because living is the source of my unease. Anxiety is ignorance. Non-anxiety is also ignorance. I seem to be going around in a circle. Perhaps I'm not going around in a circle. Perhaps there is no circle. I cannot laugh, nor weep, nor sit down, nor lie down, nor get up, nor desire, nor not desire. I am paralyzed." - Eugene Ionesco
Creativity Quotation #33
“Do not talk about giftedness, inborn talents! One can name great men of all kinds who were very little gifted. They acquired greatness, became 'geniuses' (as we put it)... They all possessed that seriousness of the efficient workman which first learns to construct the parts properly before it ventures to fashion a great whole; they allowed themselves time for it, because they took more pleasure in making the little, secondary things well than in the effect of a dazzling whole." - Friedrich Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human