Posts tagged #coronavirus

On "Balance"

Why do we say “It’s all about balance!” as if it’s just that simple? As if it’s some sort of "zen” conclusion easily won? As if balance weren’t a working of the muscles? As if balance weren’t tiring and requiring energy and focus?

Have you tried to stand on one foot for a long time? Or tried to balance a broom by its top-end in your hand? Have you seen a baby finally learning to walk? As adults, we forget that the balance to stand or walk came after hours upon hours of practice, falling, failing, and trying again.

Take 2020: the fears of a pandemic combined with social isolation, plus fights for racial equality, plus (in California at least) a freak lightning storm that leads to the state being on fire, plus the upcoming election, plus kids at home if you’re a parent, plus plus plus plus. “It’s all about balance” feels almost laughable in the face of this stack of things we are being asked to hold.

So, sure, it may all be about balance, but remember that balance is hard work. It only comes with ease after you’ve put in the time to master it. And if lately, things seem to keep toppling over, if you seem to keep toppling over, please show yourself the compassion you would a toddler just learning to walk. For we are facing a balancing act in 2020 we’ve never, ever had to face before.

Posted on August 21, 2020 and filed under Thought.